NBA决赛后元老热议 勒布朗、乔丹谁更强

18-06-18 而受责备?毕竟第一场球是他队友搞砸的。卡特:这是他的不幸。他带队打进去了,他们理应不应该进的,却进了。皮尔斯:Kevin Love应该是队上另一个全明星,但在季后赛中并没打得像一个全明星...


18-06-18 『公开认错』,和共产国家的『再教育』有异曲同工之处。”对于熟知共产主义“再教育”的中国人来说,从蛋糕案先前的判决结果看到了西方共产主义的翻版。这个案件中,反对蛋糕师菲利普斯的人群打出了“Free love...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 Emperor Wendi's halting the building of the pavilion: "Wendi was the emperor of the land. It can...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 should be granted a reprieve.The concerns don’t stop at violations of sanctions.ZTE, like its domestic...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 1)

18-06-17 ? Thousands of villages are destitute. When can I head out to defeat the enemies and show loyalty to the...


18-06-16 ,再说说徐玉兰版的越剧《红楼梦》(网络链接见:。在《红楼梦》原著所衍生出的一系列副产品中,徐玉兰版...


18-06-13 弹力女超人海伦(霍利·亨特配音),超能先生巴鲍勃(格雷格·T·尼尔森配音)则在家照料巴小倩和巴小飞,过起了“正常人”的居家生活。这一角色转换对于每个家庭成员来说都是艰难的,更何况他们都还没意识到宝宝...

Confucius Learning from The Book of Changes

18-06-05 conceited people will face difficulties. That’s why I sighed in admiration.” Zixia asked, “Can they not...

Reinforce Virtue to Ensure Harmony between Husband and Wife

18-06-05  In today’s China, one can no longer find any trace of traditional Chinese culture nor the purity...

Rejecting Lust, Even Heaven Is Touched

18-06-04 whether one has a son or not, and it is not something one can obtain by force.” After his wife saw that he...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 spectrum. These can be used for many purposes, including destroying electronic equipment, making a targeted...

郭雪芙首出辑 不怕比较李毓芬

18-06-01 郭雪芙推出首张个人EP《LOVE乐芙》,因为开工后一直没有时间好好放假,她特别许愿希望来个“邮轮之旅”,尤其期待船上没有通讯的时候,逗笑全场。这次到巴黎拍摄,当时还巧遇一位画著老虎脸谱的小男孩...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 provided for lyrics, people can naturally recall the lyrics when they hum the tune. After the Chinese...

Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence

18-05-28 , a place where there are virtuous people is best. How can one be regarded as a wise man if he chooses...

Leaked Document Reveals Informant Culture on China’s Campuses

18-05-28 internal Party order to university administrators and professors, known as the “7 Don’t Speaks,” that...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 the whole firm at a net 11.8 billion euros of debt.A buyout bid of EDP isn’t surprising, as the...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 calmness. There is an ancient saying, “Only by not pursuing glory and wealth can one have great ideals, only...

Three Stories of the Virtue of Emperor Taizong

18-05-18 wrong, I should be responsible for it. If you understand this, then stop harming the masses of people....

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 knowledge. Here I can play my plain zither and read my Diamond Sutra. I am neither annoyed by the noises of...

World’s Largest Geyser Erupts, and Scientists Don’t Know Why

18-05-21 4.Scientists aren’t sure why the geyser erupted for the fifth time in a few months.“It is a spectacular geyser....

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 remove items from the president’s request, but cant add items to it. If Congress does not pass a bill...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 envoy tried to persuade Zeng, “You have not asked for this gift, so why don’t you accept it?” Zeng said...

  102岁老人跑步 创下世界纪录

18-05-12 【看中国讯】美国纽约州102岁的艾达·基林女士,最近出版了一本回忆录,题目是《什么也打不垮我》(Can't Nothing Bring Me Down)。艾达·基林60多岁开始跑步。95岁...

Obama White House Holdover Smeared Trump Veteran Affairs Pick: Report

18-05-07 a long-standing feud with doctor Jackson…she’s very jealous that he’s been consistently promoted. This isn’t about...


18-05-05 通信市场将变成AT&T、Verizon与T-Mobile三足鼎立的局面。4月29日,由德国电信股份公司(Deutsche Telekom AG)控股的T-Mobile与Sprint宣布,双方达成...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 3)

18-05-03 he can accept suggestions and admonitions from others, he can also become brilliant.”  Emperor...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03 can't do this. I'm going to take the provincial civil service examination. If I step inside and...


18-05-03 (Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro stop)到洛克维尔市的图林布鲁克地铁站(Twinbrook)。新的自行车租赁站包括在北贝塞斯达(North Bethesda)的派克和罗斯地区(Pike&Rose area...

华为将出退美国 美华人恐殃及池鱼

18-04-29 的所作所为。 科技情报公司副总裁巴提斯分析,华为没有在美国销售最新的P20旗舰手机,并且失去与AT&T和百思买(Best Buy)的分销协议,所以,华为的消费者业务集团基本上已经关闭。 中兴“认错...


18-04-27 的所作所为。科技情报公司副总裁巴提斯分析,华为没有在美国销售最新的P20旗舰手机,并且失去与AT&T和百思买(Best Buy)的分销协议,所以,华为的消费者业务集团基本上已经关闭。华为曾被多个国家...

Emperor Kangxi's Views of Kindness

18-04-25 a thought is generated, it can be identified in an instant whether it is righteous or degenerated. If...

Bill Gates Backs Company that Plans to Video Record Everything on Earth, All the Time

18-04-25 existing systems, users can see only what has happened in the past. With EarthNow’s constellation of...


18-04-24 heaven and earth, so vast and remote.As the east wind blowsWho can sing a song with me?My thoughts now...


18-04-20 (Committee to Defend the President,CDP)是一个原名为“阻止希拉里”(Stop Hillary PAC)的政治行动委员会。 据《福克斯新闻》报导,保卫总统委员会于2017年12月...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 price. If central banks stop debasing the purchasing power of fiat currencies and people can return to...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 1)

18-04-18 ;No.' So he said to me, 'You have no ground to stand on if you haven't studied it yet.'...

如何应用国学知识 称赞美女?

18-04-17 嫕兼明詩。」3、颯纚(sà shǐ)長袖飄舞貌。班固《西都賦》:「紅羅颯纚,綺組繽紛。」4、娉婷(pīng tíng)用來形容女子姿態美好的樣子。「婉約娉婷工語笑。」5、旖旎(yǐ nǐ)柔美...


18-04-16 5700万人次。 国际机场理事会表示,去年亚洲机场旅客人数增幅最大。 理事会称:“德里机场(DEL)从22名跃升至16名,巩固了其作为全球客运量增长最快的机场之一的地位,” “中国的广州(CAN)增长...


18-04-15 leaveMy shadow won't stay by the side of the cool lakeNor can those upon the other shore reach or...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 principles they promoted, such as "benevolence," "don't do to others what one does not...